Larus fuscus fuscus 18CY & 20CY CJ 18 April 2011 & March 2013, Ashdod. Picture Amir Ben Dov.
Adult fuscus, ringed in the mid 90's: CJ18 white was ringed on July 08 1994, ringed as fledgling at Kuopio (6248 2753).
below: fuscus 18cy CJ 18 April 02 2011, Ashdod. Picture Amir Ben Dov.
18cy bird, still showing black on the bill by early April.
below: fuscus 20CY CJ 18 March 26 2013, Ashdod. Picture Amir Ben Dov.
Note slender bill with black markings in spring.
below: fuscus 21CY CJ 18 March 22 2014, Ashdod. Picture Amir Ben Dov.
With heuglini (right).