Amir Ben Dov (Israel) Hannu Koskinen (Finland) Mars Muusse (the Netherlands) fuscus 1cy July fuscus 2cy Jan fuscus 3cy Jan fuscus 4cy Jan fuscus ad Jan |
Larus fuscus fuscus 4cy J599 May 05 2008, Koukku dump, Finland. Images Hannu Koskinen. A Norwegian 4cy Baltic Gull which has been ringed as pullus on July 29 2005 at Troms, N Norway by Morten Helberg. It was seen also 2.5.2008 at Karanoja, Hämeenlinna and 4.5.2008 at Tarastenjärvi, Tampere. No other recoveries so far. Bird very adult-like, except probably the pattern on the underwing coverts.It was seen also 2.5.2008 at Karanoja, Hämeenlinna and 4.5.2008 at Tarastenjärvi, Tampere. No other recoveries so far. More information about migration strategies in Norwegian fuscus and the ringing programme in the three northern counties of Norway: Nordland, Troms and Finnmark, can be found here: The summary for juveniles can be found in the fuscus 1cy October section, the summary for adults can be found in the fuscus adult October section. |