(3 images) Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 06 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
An example of an average 2cy fuscus in Finland, which is replacing the innermost primaries in a second moult wave, and replacing median and lower lesser coverts and some scapulars.
P1-P2 are missing again after the complete renewal of the primaries on the wintering grounds last spring (prior to northbound migration). Note the small pale crescents on the very fresh outer primary tips. There is a clear difference between the upper tertials which were moulted first in line and the lower tertials which have obvious darker centres, not as bleached as the upper tertials. In the wing-coverts, all central and outer greater coverts are slightly bleached second generation feathers. The inner three greater coverts look somewhat fresher, with #3 moulted last in this tract, but all look abraded as well, so were moulted a while ago. The outer and central medians look much fresher and active moult is still in progress in this tract, with medians #1 missing, #2 old, #3-4 missing, #5 old and very abraded, #6 and outwards new and missing. In the lower lesser coverts and lesser coverts, some new feathers have grown in quite randomly, including the outer lower lessers. The tail is complete worn second generation. The scapulars are an obvious mix of old, bleached second generation feathers and fresh dark grey scapulars. Note the development of extensive head streaking and moult in neck, side breast and under-parts.
