(2 images) Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 09 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
A rather average 2cy bird with some fresh blackish scapulars replaced, but the active moult in the wing-coverts seem to be suspended. In the inner median coverts one feather is slightly out of place but still present. Moult in the scapulars is suspended as well but the very recently replaced all black scapulars are obvious different from the older brown bleached feathers. Fresh black wing-coverts can be found in the inner greater coverts, randomly in the medians and lower lesser coverts. In the right wing, tertial #1 is growing. Most of the primaries have been moulted once last spring on the wintering grounds, except P10 which is still juvenile. Back in Scandinavia, this bird started shedding P1 and P2 in a second primary moult wave, common in 2cy fuscus. Prior to migration last spring, the complete tail was moulted for second-generation feathers which now show worn tips.
