(3 images) Larus fuscus fuscus / intermedius / heuglini 2cy, August 09 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
This bird is different from the average fuscus as it's slightly delayed in wing-covert moult and primary moult. Nevertheless, The fresh feathers are plain dark grey as in other fuscus, although they appear slightly paler.
Primary moult arrived at P4, with P5-P10 still juvenile. All tail-feathers are worn second generation feathers.
In the median coverts, moult is in progress, with the outer medians missing. Most wing-coverts are second generation feathers, moulted on the wintering grounds and look very bleached, dull pale brown with very pale edges. The scapulars are a mix of rather pale grey fresh feathers and old worn brown scapulars. Some scapulars are missing.
It's difficult to fully exclude intermedius in these kind of birds.
