Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 09 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
A 2cy fuscus which has replaced all primaries prior to northbound migration, on the wintering grounds last spring. All tail-feathers were moulted as well and look slightly worn on the tips. All tertials are worn second generation in the left wing, but in the right wing the upper tertial has been dropped. All greater coverts are bleached brown second generation feathers with the fringes worn away. Active moult is in progress in the inner median coverts with the innermost feather #1 new, #2 old and #3 growing. The complete outer tract of the median coverts appears darker brown, probably moulted recently, yet showing wear in the tips. In the lower lesser covert bar, more feathers have been replaced for plain dark grey new coverts. A few lesser coverts are missing and a single feather has been replaced in this tract.
About 70% of the scapulars have been replaced for adult-like plain dark grey scapulars.
