(4 images) Larus fuscus fuscus / intermedius / heuglini 2cy, August 06-08 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
This bird is different from ordinary fuscus in several respects. The fresh wing-coverts and scapulars show barring and the moult pace in the primaries is delayed compared to average 2cy fuscus.
Primary moult arrived at P5, which is fully grown second generation, with P8-P10 still juvenile. Moult in the secondaries is still in progress. All tail-feathers are worn second generation feathers.
The median coverts, the lower lessers, the inner greater coverts and a few lesser coverts are probably recently replaced second generation feathers. Those wing-coverts show an ill-defined barred pattern.
The central greater coverts and upper lesser coverts are very abraded, still showing juvenile pattern of white notches and brown centres. The moult in the scapulars is in progress, probably with old second generation feathers and some recently replaced third generation feathers. Some scapulars are missing.
Note the stocky appearance of this bird. It has a heavy breast / belly and a strong neck and head. In general, it's not the typical slender fuscus profile. This bird may represent the strongest built, stocky fuscus, but is more in line with intermedius (western Lesser Black-backed Gull) or may even represent slow moulting heuglini in 2cy.
Recently, CRK4 was discovered in spring in the Netherlands. This red ringed 2cy bird proved to be ringed as pullus in the core breeding area of fuscus. Interestingly, CRK4 appeared to be one of the slowest moulting 2cy fuscus ever observed: It just started the complete moult in the same strategy as 'classic' graellsii. It returned from the wintering grounds with juvenile wing-coverts, tail and flight-feathers.

August 08 2002

August 08 2002

August 06 2002

August 06 2002