(4 images) Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 07-09 2002, Tampere, Finland (61.33N 24.59E).
A bird much resembling a later caught 2cy CNMR with most of the wing-coverts warm brown second generation feathers. Median covert #1is old, #2 is new dark grey, #3-5 are missing, #6-7 are new, #8 and further outwards are old second generation. Tertial #1 is missing as well. The tail is completely second generation with the outer tail-feathers R5-R6 slightly fresher than the central feathers. Primary moult was arrested at P9 in the left wings, with P9 second generation and P10 still juvenile. A second primary moult wave has started in the inner primaries and the inner two primaries are missing again.

August 07 2002

August 08 2002

August 08 2002

August 09 2002