(2 images) Larus fuscus fuscus 2cy, August 03 2002, Stockholm, Sweden.
This bird very much resembles the previous bird, but the primary moult was arrested. Fuscus may exhibit a complex moult in the primaries, as this individual shows: P1 is growing, P2 is missing, P3-P9 are second generation and P10 is still juvenile. Probably P1-P9 were included in the post-juvenile moult and moult was arrested at P9. Now this bird arrived in Stockholm and starts the complete moult, starting primary again at P1. In the top image note there is 2cy fuscus (described in detail here) in front, where it can be seen that all 10 primaries were included in the post-juvenile moult. That bird returned in Stockholm with 10 second generation primaries.
The secondaries were all replaced during last winter-spring as the image of the flying bird demonstrates. Tertials #1-6 have all been replaced for second generation feathers.
It's remarkable to see the wing-coverts look so much the same as the earlier described 2cy fuscus, again with the central median and lower lesser coverts much fresher. Nearly the exact wing-covert moult sequence can be found in this bird.
